
Heya! Here are the rules!

1. You must make a pony using this: Click here to make your own pony Or, you can draw it. If you choose to draw your pony, please be as neat as possible!
2. You can't use any official characters from the real MLP. (Ex: Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Princess Celestia, Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, etc.)
3. Make your roleplay comments appropriate and not too violent. (No bad words, inappropriate content, guts, major blood, etc.)
4. You can only have one pony. If you are another author, you may have two ponies. Administrators can have THREE PONIES!!! New rule! You can have as many ponies as you can handle.
5. You can be friends/relatives with the official characters of MLP.

That's all! ^.^ Also, when you make your pony, send the picture to and fill out this form for your pony:

Any other info/short description:

Thanks. c:


  1. Hey question, can I please make a drawn pony? :D

    Please? The pony creator doesn't have the parts I need for it XD
    If you want to see what it looks like first, it looks like this:

    Also, she's an alicorn BUT she doesn't really act like she's a princess and stuff. Besides, she'll never rule over anything because she isn't the oldest of her siblings

    1. Okay, you can! But can you fill our the form first? c:

    2. Name: Princess Iris (though prefers to just be called "Iris")
      Gender: Female
      Age: 11
      Any other info/short description: She is the daughter of Queen Crysalis and King Cumulus (another fan made character of mine XD), but is not going to rule over anything. She is the second oldest of her two siblings, Willow (oldest) and Basil (youngest). She tends to look at the positive, even though she can never earn a cutie mark because she carries on mostly changeling genes.

  2. Name: Raindrop
    Gender: Girl :P
    Age: 16 (human years)
    Other: Raindrop is an excitable Pegasus who loves adventure. She is very competitive, but also funny, sweet, and generous. She can be serious at times, too.
